Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cisco Security Intelligence Operations

Cisco Security Intelligence Operations is latest hierarchy formed by Cisco service to capture and identify world network threaten. Online criminals are continuing to develop user’s trust, application and devices and increasing risk to the organization and employees. Standard security which depends on layering product and use of multiple filters is not enough to control the latest spreading malware which communicate quickly many precautions to propagate.

Cisco SIO, cloud base-base service, uses three components that enhanced the filters already available in Cisco devices.

-----Cisco Sensor Base

A global team of security analysts and automated systems that extract actionable intelligence. Additionally, Cisco “White Hat” engineers provide services such as penetration testing, botnet infiltration, and malware reverse engineering.

-----Cisco Treat Operations Center

The world largest threat-monitoring network, Cisco Sensor Base captures global threat telemetry data from an exhaustive footprint of Cisco devices and services- this includes more than 1 terabyte of data per day and 30 percent of the world’s email traffic

-----Dynamic updates
Real-time updates are automatically delivered to security devices, along with effective practice recommendations and other content dedicated to helping customer track threats, analyze intelligence, and, ultimately, improve their overall enterprise security posture.

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